86th Meeting of the ASEAN Committee on Science, Technology and Innovation (COSTI-86)


Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation (A*STAR)

7 –11 October 2024

Meetings: Sheraton Towers
Official Dinner: Jewel Cloud9 Piazza

Estimated Attendance:
300 pax 

Guest of Honor for Official Dinner:
Mr Alvin Tan
Minister of State, Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth & Ministry of Trade and Industry


Held in Singapore and hosted by A*STAR, 12 meetings were conducted and held concurrently throughout the week, including COSTI-86, concurrent Sub-Committee Meetings, the 17th Board of Advisers to COSTI (BAC-17), and the 12th ASEAN-U.S. Consultation on Science and Technology (AUSCST-12). This event was crucial for enhancing strategies in science, technology, and innovation among ASEAN member states and their dialogue partners, with a focus on future initiatives and cooperation.

ASEAN experts participated in a week-long programme that highlighted regional collaboration on topics such as AI and sustainable development. Discussions included various perspectives on future initiatives and cooperation strategies, emphasising the significance of collaborative efforts in building a resilient, knowledge-driven region, paving the way for an innovative future.

The official dinner was hosted by Minister Alvin Tan at the Jewel Cloud9 Piazza whereby the meeting participants enjoyed a sit-down dinner with stage performances in front of the iconic Jewel indoor waterfall.


Services Rendered: 

  • Overall thematic design conceptualisation services and production (i.e., holding slides, backdrop etc.)
  • Design and printing of delegate name badges and lanyard
  • Printing of individualised table tents
  • Rental and setup of ASEAN and member states standing flags and table flags
  • Provision of landscaping services
  • Onsite registration and secretariat support
  • Provision of ad-hoc manpower
  • Provision of AV equipment and livestream services for delegates to join meetings remotely (conference mics, extension cords, electrical cabling, wireless clicker, comfort monitors etc.)
  • Provision of photography and videography services
  • Management of 9 simultaneous Zoom meetings for remote delegate call-in to participate in meeting proceeding (sharing slides, mute/unmute mic, pin speaker etc.)
  • Engagement of on-site photocopy services
  • Design and production of official dinner backdrop and stage setup
  • Management of official dinner proceedings
  • Engagement of official dinner entertainment and emcee